Receiving God’s best in Christian meetings (2)

A good teaching meeting births conviction and insight in you, it also enables you to minister the same to others in clarity and precision. You open your mind, and ensure your mind is there, your mind must be alert, and vigilant, your entire focus should be on the teacher and what he is saying, your attention is important.

There are things to do in preparation for being blessed in a Christian meeting: Prepare your heart right – have the right attitude towards the meeting. The kind of attitude you bring towards the meeting will determine how much you receive.

God’s desire is that everyone in a Christian meeting gets blessed. We see a good example in Acts 2, where they were gathered in the upper room: vs. 1-4;
1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Notice that they were all in one accord in one place – this means they were of one heart where they gathered, they all wanted the same things. “They were all filled”… none of them was left out. This is God’s plan when we gather – of one accord. It goes without saying that everyone in a Christian meeting can be blessed. However, as individual participants, whether we are blessed or not is dependent on how we flow with the meeting.

A good instance is you can only gather from a rainfall whatever size of container you bring to receive. If you come with a cup, you receive a cup-sized. If you come with a tank, you receive a tank-sized. Thus, you should build your capacity before the meeting; you pray well, go through your notes well.

What are the things you do in the meeting?

– Writing; the early church wrote, Paul wrote to the different churches, and he told them to transfer to other churches. Writing plays a significant role in your receiving, no matter how much you can remember, a faint ink is better than the sharpest memory. Spiritual growth is deliberate, it is labour, write it. Writing is too vital to shun or ignore, write everything, examples, illustrations, and jokes.
– You can pray, you speak in tongues during the meeting.

What do you do after the meeting?

The things you do after the meeting matter. The first thing you should do is pray, don’t stand and leave immediately, pray before getting up, it helps the receiving of the word, you pray, and meditate. Meditation should be day and night.

Christian meeting is the wisdom of God for the saints to get better, Jesus himself instituted the church, you don’t shun God’s wisdom. When we come together, we come to get better.

Say: Blessed are my eyes for they see, blessed are my ears for they hear, blessed is my mind for it is the mind of Christ. My mind is open always, my mind is alert, my heart is open to receive all that God has for me, my eyes are open to see all that God will show me. I don’t shortchange myself.

Daily Bible Reading Plan:
Bible Reading — Romans 14-16

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